THE 2021 CALL FOR GRANT APPLICATIONS opened on 12 August 2020 at 12:00 noon and closes on 25 September at 11:59 p.m.

Priorities for research grant funding in 2021:

The Foundation for Research of Natural Resources in Finland provides funding for research that promotes responsible, commercially sound and resource-efficient natural resources economy (production, utilization, consumption and sustainable use) and aims at innovations.

  • Bio-economy
  • Mineral economy
  • New methods for energy production and storage

Innovations can be processes, technologies, products, services or social innovations related to Finnish natural resources. The innovations must, however, have the potential for economic utilization in compliance with the principles of sustainable development. In this context, Finnish natural resources refer to forests, minerals, water and related living organisms. The overall objective is to create opportunities for business and economy to renew and enhance their competitiveness while also responding to global challenges of sustainable development, including climate change, biodiversity and clean water.

Applications are submitted electronically via the LUOVASAA Grant System. Please read the instructions carefully before submitting your application.

Read more about the application process here